Career Development Workshops Print E-mail

Life scientists are invited to step aside from their bench lives and explore effective ways of managing the interactive part of their careers. In addition to career-related activities in the exhibit area, PhD students and post-docs may register for Career Development Workshops run by the same consultant teams from the renowned EMBO Lab Management Courses.


Presentation Skills


Project Management


Time Management


Conflict Management



  • Numbers are limited to the first 40 attendees for each workshop.
  • W1, W2 & W3 are fully booked, W4 - Conflict Management workshop still has spaces available - register now to avoid disappointment.
  • Non-refundable fee per workshop for each participant: € 20.

W1 Presentation Skills - Saturday 29 August, 12:30 to 14:30 - FULLY BOOKED

Room N-N1

Building networks with other scientists is critical for young researchers to advance their careers. Scientists must always be ready to present both their scientific work and themselves as potential collaborators or future employees. In this interactive presentation skills workshop, you will learn how to effectively attract the interest of an audience during scientific presentations and small talks.


W2 Project Management - Saturday 29 August, 12:30 to 14:30 - FULLY BOOKED

Room O-O1

Research consists of a series of projects, often presenting complex management challenges. In this workshop, you will examine different types of projects to identify those requiring project management versus those requiring solely a good dose of common sense. A practical exercise will help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses in managing projects and you will develop tools to help you manage lab projects.


W3 Time Management - Saturday 29 August, 15:30 to 17:30 - FULLY BOOKED

Room N-N1

Structuring time is an issue for researchers at all stages of their career. Frequently people are rather driven by their tasks than being in control of them. In this interactive and entertaining workshop you will learn to stop procrastinating, to avoid distractions and to not waste time being overly detail oriented. You will come away with time management techniques to optimise your days in the lab as well as other parts of your life.


W4 Conflict Management - Saturday 29 August, 15:30 to 17:30 - FULLY BOOKED

Room O-O1

Conflict with others happens at some point during the routine of our laboratory lives. While we may often focus on the negative aspects of conflicts, they can be a source of creativity and clarity. They have both good and bad sides. In this interactive workshop on conflict management, you will explore what is conflict, how to recognize conflict and how to develop strategies to deal with conflict.


Consultancy Teams